Category Research

Leica IIIf

leica IIIf

The Leica IIIf is a classic 35mm rangefinder camera produced by the renowned German camera manufacturer Leica. It was introduced in the early 1950s and is part of Leica’s long history of producing high-quality and iconic cameras. Key features of…

What is Portrait Photography?

nadav kander

What is Portrait Photography? Portrait photography, a captivating and deeply personal form of art, stands out as a unique medium that intimately captures the essence of individuals. At its core, portrait photography goes beyond merely taking photographs of people; it…

Cool Film Cameras

cool film camera

The Timeless Charm of Film Photography In a world rapidly advancing towards digital solutions, the allure of film photography remains undiminished. Film cameras offer a tangible, hands-on experience that digital cameras often fail to provide. Their mechanical simplicity combined with…

Best Vintage Lenses for Canon Cameras

Best Vintage Lenses for Canon Cameras Why would you spend thousands on a camera and then buy a cheap vintage lens with terrible lens flare and weird bokeh? Character! Modern lenses don’t have any character. They’re almost too good. DxOMark…

Pentax K Series

pentax k series cameras

The Pentax K-series is a legendary line of 35mm film and digital single-lens reflex (SLR) cameras produced by the Japanese manufacturer Pentax (formerly Asahi Optical Co., Ltd). These cameras have played a significant role in the history of photography, known…

Best Vintage Portrait Lenses


Best Vintage Portrait Lenses Portrait photography requires a lens that can faithfully capture the essence of the subject. A great portrait gives us a glimpse of something that lies beneath the surface. A great portrait teases the viewer, it does…

Macro Photographers

macro photographer

Macro, or “close-up super extreme magnification photography” as I like to call it…is a fascinating sub genre, not one I’m particularly familiar with I have to confess, but my students seem to love it so I’m writing this to educate…

What is a Candid Photograph?

candid picture by lee-friedlander

Exploring the Art of Candid Photography Candid photography is the art of taking pictures without posing the subject or influencing the scene. How do you define candid photography? I would say – no direction, no interaction with the subjects, just…

Cool Digital Cameras

cool digital cameras

Cool Digital Cameras: Stylish, Unique, and Perfect for Photography Enthusiasts Some cameras look cool, others look rubbish. Some look good but are clunky, some are super streamlined but difficult to use. These cameras however, combine impressive aesthetics, unique functionalities, and…