beautiful photography

The Photography Project

Photography tips, tricks and in depth lessons taught by pro photographer Liam Smith. A completely free resource to help photographers of all levels reach their goals.

using a scanner as a camera

rule of three tiptych

Using a scanner as a device to capture images is relatively untapped. Sometimes referred to as ‘Scanography’ the process is as simple as it sounds, take an item and scan it. The results vary depending on light leeks, ambient light…

How To Make Creative Lumen Prints

lumen print

Lumen Print Tutorial Lumen prints are an incredibly an incredibly rewarding way to introduce yourself to the world of contacting printing, the biggest plus in their favour is that you don’t really need a darkroom to get them to work.…

A2-Level Essay – The Portrait

Fear is often struck into the heart of a student when discussing A Level Photography and they hear the word ‘essay’. This is really nothing to be frightened of, it is merely an opportunity for you to explore your ideas in…

Google deep dream distorted portrait

Google Deep Dream is program which finds and enhance patterns in images via algorithmic pareidolia, and creates a dreamlike hallucinogenic appearance in deliberately over-processed images. Pareidolia is a psychological phenomenon wherein the mind perceives a familiar pattern of something where none actually exists. Essentially the…