best orange smoke bomb

Orange Smoke Bombs for Photography

Best Orange Smoke Bombs for Photography

Are you a photographer looking to add a touch of creativity and visual impact to your photoshoots? Orange smoke bombs can be the perfect tool to elevate your photography and create stunning images. In this article, we will explore some of the best orange smoke bombs available in the market, specifically designed for photography purposes.

Why Use Orange Smoke Bombs for Photography?

Orange smoke bombs have gained popularity among photographers due to their ability to add vibrancy, drama, and a captivating element to their images. The billowing orange smoke creates a visually striking effect that can transform an ordinary scene into an extraordinary work of art. Whether you’re shooting portraits, landscapes, or conceptual projects, incorporating orange smoke bombs can take your photography to new heights.

Factors to Consider When Choosing Orange Smoke Bombs

Before we dive into the best orange smoke bombs for photography, it’s important to consider a few factors:

1. Smoke Duration and Intensity: Different smoke bombs have varying durations and intensities of smoke production. Depending on your creative vision, you may prefer longer-lasting smoke bombs or ones that produce thicker clouds. Consider the effect you want to achieve and choose smoke bombs accordingly.

2. Safety Features: Safety should always be a top priority when working with smoke bombs. Look for products that have clear safety instructions, are made from non-toxic materials, and have a reliable ignition system. It’s crucial to choose smoke bombs that are safe for both you and your subjects.

3. Colour Consistency: The colour consistency of the smoke emitted by the bomb is essential for achieving the desired effect in your photos. Ensure that the orange smoke bombs you choose provide a consistent and vibrant colour throughout their duration.

Top Orange Smoke Bombs for Photography

Here are some highly recommended orange smoke bomb brands that cater specifically to photographers:

1. Enola Gaye (UK): Enola Gaye is a renowned brand that offers a wide range of smoke grenades and smoke bombs designed for various applications, including photography. Their orange smoke bombs are known for their vibrant colour, consistent output, and emphasis on safety. Enola Gaye products are trusted by photographers worldwide and have garnered positive reviews for their performance.

2. Peacock Smoke (US): Peacock Smoke specializes in smoke products tailored for photography, videography, and special effects. Their orange smoke bombs are formulated to provide vibrant and visually appealing smoke. Peacock Smoke prioritizes safety and quality, ensuring that their products are made from non-toxic materials and deliver reliable performance.

3. Shutter Bombs (US): Shutter Bombs is another reputable brand that offers smoke grenades and smoke bombs specifically designed for photographers. Their orange smoke bombs provide vibrant colour and consistent smoke output, enhancing the visual impact of your images. Shutter Bombs is known for their commitment to safety and quality, making them a reliable choice for photographers.

When choosing among these brands, consider factors such as duration, intensity, safety features, and colour consistency to find the orange smoke bombs that best align with your photography style and creative vision.

Remember, always follow the manufacturer’s instructions for safe handling and use of smoke bombs. Prioritize safety for yourself, your subjects, and the environment.


Incorporating orange smoke bombs into your photography can add a burst of creativity, vibrancy, and drama to your images. The selected orange smoke bomb brands mentioned above, including Enola Gaye, Peacock Smoke, Gender Reveal Smoke, and Shutter Bombs, offer high-quality products that meet the specific needs of photographers. By choosing the right orange smoke bombs, you can elevate your photography and capture captivating images that leave a lasting impression.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. Can smoke bombs be used indoors? Yes, smoke bombs can be used indoors, but it is crucial to ensure proper ventilation and a safe environment. Be mindful of any smoke alarms, sensitive equipment, or flammable materials in the vicinity.

2. Are orange smoke bombs safe for the environment? Orange smoke bombs designed for photography typically use non-toxic materials that are safe for the environment. However, it’s important to dispose of used smoke bombs responsibly and consider the impact on the surroundings.

3. Can smoke bombs stain clothing or surfaces? In some cases, the residue from smoke bombs can leave temporary stains on clothing and surfaces. It is advisable to use protective covers or shoot in areas where stains are less of a concern.

4. How long do orange smoke bombs last? The duration of orange smoke bombs varies depending on the brand and product. It can range from 30 seconds to a few minutes. Check the product specifications for specific details.

5. Are orange smoke bombs legal? The legality of using smoke bombs, including orange smoke bombs, may vary depending on your location. Always check and comply with local laws and regulations before using smoke bombs for photography purposes.

In conclusion, incorporating orange smoke bombs from reputable brands into your photography can bring a new level of creativity and visual impact to your work. Consider the factors mentioned in this article when selecting the best orange smoke bombs for your photography projects. Stay safe, follow manufacturer guidelines, and capture breath-taking images that leave a lasting impression.